Editor’s Note: This is the third of a three-part series about using social media platforms to help EthicsDaily.com reach more people in our mission to challenge people of faith to advance the common good. The previous columns can be found here and here.
While social media is an increasingly important means of disseminating information, the EthicsDaily.com site remains the hub on which all of our content first appears and through which we share links on various social media platforms.
While the two previous columns focused on sharing the daily content posted on our Facebook page and Twitter feed, this column focuses on how to share all of the content (old and new) found on our website.
To share links to columns you read on the website, scroll down to the end of the piece and look for the small icons next to the word “share,” and click on the icon that corresponds to the social media platform on which you wish to post a link to the article.
From left to right these are: Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, WordPress, Share This and StumbleUpon.
These links appear at the end of all columns appearing on EthicsDaily.com no matter their publication date, so this is a way for you to share older content on social media that no longer appears on Facebook or Twitter.
If you do not use social media platforms, you can share columns by e-mailing articles to friends and family who might be interested in a particular piece.
To do so, click the e-mail icon at the top or the bottom of any column and fill in the required information in the dialogue box that appears.
For those who use smartphones and other mobile devices to access EthicsDaily.com, we have a mobile version of the site to make it easier to view our columns.
You can create an icon on your smartphone’s “desktop” that links directly to the EthicsDaily.com homepage by following the instructions in the videos provided here.
Finally, you can visit our Vimeo video page by clicking the “V” icon at the top of our website, which will give you access to all of Cliff Vaughn’s Skype interviews and other video content.
To share these videos: Select the desired video, click the “share” icon and then use the dialogue box that appears to choose the desired platform on which to share the video.
If you are still uncertain about these sharing options, follow this link to a video tutorial about accessing and sharing content posted on EthicsDaily.com and Vimeo. You can also access this tutorial from the social media page on our website.
Thank you for your continued support, and thank you, in advance, for using your social media network to help us expand the reach of our mission to challenge people of faith to advance the common good.
Zach Dawes is the managing editor for EthicsDaily.com.