Editor’s Note: This is the second of a three-part series about using social media platforms to help EthicsDaily.com reach more people in our mission to challenge people of faith to advance the common good. Part one can be found here.
Twitter was created in 2006 and currently has more than 500 million members. According to a recent study, it was the fastest-growing social media platform in 2012.

Seeking to expand the reach of its mission, EthicsDaily.com began tweeting in October 2011.

You can follow us by visiting our Twitter page, and you can help expand our influence on Twitter by retweeting columns that you want to share with your followers.

For those new to Twitter, to do this first visit our Twitter page and click the follow us button so that our tweets will show up in your Twitter feed.

To share any of our daily columns that appear on your Twitter feed, click “Retweet.”

You can also tweet columns by clicking the Twitter icon that appears at the bottom of every column on our site. Further information about sharing website content on social media will be provided in tomorrow’s column.


Staff members also tweet throughout the day. You can follow us on Twitter – Robert Parham, Cliff Vaughn, Brian Kaylor and Zach Dawes Jr. – or visit the EthicsDaily.com homepage to view our most recent tweets.

If you are still uncertain about how to connect with us on Twitter or retweet daily content, follow this link to a video tutorial.

With Twitter’s increasing popularity, I hope you’ll help us use this platform to expand the reach and influence of our daily content by following us on Twitter and retweeting columns that interest you.

This will allow your Twitter followers to learn about EthicsDaily.com, to visit our website to read the content you retweet and, hopefully, to encourage them to follow us on Twitter and become regular readers.

Zach Dawes is the managing editor for EthicsDaily.com.