Editor’s note: The column below is part three of a three-part series on theological education. Read part one here and part two here.
If you haven’t noticed, theological education in North America is going through a “shake-out” process. 

I learned recently of one freestanding denominational seminary that is negotiating to become the divinity school of a college in the same denomination. Other seminaries are combining or closing their doors. 

Those that survive will find new partners and strengthen their relationships with old partners.

New approaches to theological education like those being offered by CentralBaptistTheologicalSeminary in Shawnee, Kan., require contextualization and creativity, but they will fail without cooperation.

Healthy, flexible and supportive partners are needed for these efforts to be successful.

Partners assist theological institutions in a number of ways. For one thing, partners – churches, judicatories, other institutions – link the theological schools with potential students. 

Seminaries and divinity schools are exhibiting flexibility by offering programs to educate lay or licensed ministers (such as Central’s Foundation program), train bivocational ministers, and educate staff and laity within the walls of the churches. 

The endorsement of a judicatory or church also provides credibility to the theological institutions. Churches and judicatories often provide financial assistance for students as well.

Partnerships do not end there. They can include relationships with other educational institutions, not-for-profit organizations and other theological schools. 

Such relationships can be mutually beneficial for all concerned. The Wisconsin center of CBTS has prospered due to its relationship with the Housing Ministries of American Baptists in Wisconsin.

Theological institutions are also finding value in ecumenical relationships. Some denominationally related institutions did not start out to do this, but they quickly found a responsive clientele in students from other denominations.

This not only aids the viability of the institution, but it enriches the learning environment for all of the students. In a world where faith issues are becoming both important and divisive, people of faith must respect, teach and support one another.

Finally, theological schools need the cooperation of donors. 

For the most part, alumni of theological institutions are not their best supporters, but one is sometimes surprised by both the resources and generosity of former students. 

Present and former students are also a link to other donors – individuals, churches, judicatories and foundations.

As my friend, John Gravley, often points out, seminary students don’t pay for their own education; they provide only a part of the funding needed. 

Theological institutions need friends who are willing to step up and provide the financial resources to form competent and creative ministers.

Theological education continues to change rapidly, but it will flourish if its leaders, students and supporters embrace contextualization, creativity and cooperation

IrcelHarrison is an associate with Pinnacle Leadership Associates and director of the Murfreesboro Center of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. This column appeared previously on his blog.