A first-time visitor to our worship service a few years ago said to me abruptly, “I am looking for a church where the preacher preaches the Bible and doesn’t talk about theology and all of that kind of stuff.”

I knew then I was in trouble because I don’t believe you can preach the Bible or talk about God without talking about “theology and all of that kind of stuff.”

As a Baptist who believes in the priesthood of every believer, I think that every pastor and every Christian should be a theologian in the truest sense of the word.

I propose that our churches will be healthier if our people are equipped to be good theologians.

What is theology anyway? Is it a discipline for sophisticated concepts and complicated descriptions of God? Not at all. Theology is a good word.

Fisher Humphreys offered a simple yet practical definition of theology to his students: “Theology is thinking about God.”

He added, “Everyone who thinks about God is doing theology.”

There are many other definitions of theology.

Theologians Stan Grenz and Roger Olson say that “theology may be defined as the intellectual reflection on the act, content and implications of Christian faith.”

Dale Moody, long-time professor of theology at Southern Seminary, often described Christian theology as “an effort to think coherently about the basic beliefs that create a community of faith around the person of Jesus Christ.”

As a pastor, I tend to think of theology in two important categories: folk theology and academic theology. Both are extremely important to the health of the church.

Folk theology is the theology of lay people that is forged out of the experiences of life, the study of Scripture and reflection on God.

I have been blessed to serve alongside committed Christians who are excellent folk theologians, individuals who faithfully empower the ministry of the local church.

They have never been to Bible college or seminary, but they have a rich and insightful knowledge of God that has been forged through personal study of the Bible and their ongoing experience in living the Christian life.

In college and seminary, I was privileged to study under extraordinarily devoted and respected academic theologians.

These individuals had given their entire lives to “thinking about God” with all the vast resources of higher education.

Each of those professors demonstrated a deep, personal faith in God, but they also had the remarkable capacity to think about God, speak about God and write about God with a vocabulary that is much more specific than the dialect of most folk theologians.

For the church to be at its best, we need both academic theologians and folk theologians.

We need academic theologians to assimilate the resources of geography, archeology, biblical languages and history into a coherent system of beliefs.

In the light of good academic theology, we need a church full of folk theologians to keep our congregations reflecting and conversing about the dynamics of our personal faith in God.

In his book, “Thinking about God,” Fisher Humphreys surmises the relationship between folk theology and academic theology as follows: “All Christians think about God. This means that all Christians have a theology; they all have some ideas about God. This is a good thing because, just as war is too important to be left to the generals, so theology is too important to be left to the academic theologians.”

He adds, “We are all entitled to think about God, even if we are amateurs. Of course, just as civilian leaders are wise to consult the generals about war, so all of us are wise to consult the academic theologians about theology.”

As a pastoral theologian who thinks about God in the context of local church ministry, I have the privilege of equipping and encouraging members of my congregation to think for themselves about God.

I want to help my church members to understand that when they think about God as they are informed and inspired by the Bible, they are doing theology.

When they think about God as they hear and reflect on a sermon, they are doing theology.

When they think about God as they articulate their prayers, they are doing theology.

And when they think about God as they wrestle with the challenging circumstances of life, they are doing theology.

Perhaps Paul was advocating sound theology when he wrote, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

Our collective insight is wiser than one individual’s insight, so I want to cultivate more than one theologian in my church. I want a church full of Christians of all ages who are thinking about God every day.

Barry Howard serves as the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Pensacola, Florida, a leadership coach with the Center for Healthy Churches (CHC) and a board member of the Baptist Center for Ethics. A longer version of this article first appeared on the CHC blog and is used with permission. His writings can also be found on his blog, Barry’s Notes, and you can follow him on Twitter @BarrysNotes.