My wife and I are blessed beyond measure to be able to give to worthy causes, especially during the Christmas season.

We give our tithe and offerings throughout the year to our church, and that is our first priority in Christian financial stewardship. Beyond our church, we have chosen to support specific Christian endeavors.

Some of those are ministries in our home community of Waco, Texas. Some are ministries in our home states of Texas and Georgia. Some are national ministries, and some are ministries, especially missions, that reach around the world.

In some small way, we hope to impact the Kingdom of God through our gifts. We understand this to be our Christian responsibility and our blessed privilege.

A special opportunity has caught our attention for the last several years – the opportunity to give to support and the Baptist Center for Ethics.

We have known Robert Parham and his family since the 1970s. We have respected the missionary service and educational ministry of the Parham family and the courageous spirit of Robert and his work with the Baptist Center for Ethics. Zach Dawes is a former student of mine and a faithful friend.

If for no other reasons, we choose to support this work. We believe in these dedicated Christians and their ministry.

I so appreciate the daily reports from In my work in the department of religion at Baylor University, I use these reports regularly to inform my classroom conversations and to expand my knowledge and understanding of ethical and cultural issues facing Christians daily. is an important resource for my ministry.

The Baptist Center for Ethics has become a most reliable resource for Bible study curriculum, documentaries, news stories, interviews, conferences and multiple other tools focusing on pressing ethical concerns.

The resources are biblically sound, culturally relevant and consistently Baptist. The materials are excellent in design, thorough in content and clear in communication.

My life as a university professor, an adult Bible study teacher and a husband/father/grandfather is made better and stronger as a result of the influence of the Baptist Center for Ethics. I am forever grateful.

And so I give, cheerfully and freely, to support the work of and the Baptist Center for Ethics.

My prayer is that the ministry and influence of the Baptist Center for Ethics will be strong and lasting for years to come.

Jeter Basden is professor of religion and director of ministry guidance at Baylor University. He and his wife, Claudette, are members of First Baptist Church, Waco, Texas.