When Jesus needed to define for his disciples how to know who is a member of God’s reign, he said, “You will know them by their fruits.”
Comparing people to trees, he asked, “Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?” (Matthew 7:16).
Ethics is what reveals our true commitments. We live by faith; we reveal our character by our behavior.
Baptists, as well as other Christians, are in continuous need of an organization that reminds us on a daily basis about our true commitments, one that help us define our true character and soul.
The Baptist Center for Ethics is such an organization. EthicsDaily.com is our daily reminder that trees are known by fruits.
My family and I support the Baptist Center for Ethics because we believe in its mission of advancing the common good by providing proactive, positive and practical ethics resources to churches and individuals.
We read with interest each of the news articles, columns, editorials and other content we find at EthicsDaily.com.
We have enjoyed every one of the documentaries BCE has produced, especially “Beneath the Skin,” “Gospel Without Borders” and the latest one, “The Disturbances.”
We thoroughly appreciate BCE’s commitment to Jesus’ mission declared in Luke 4:18-19. “To bring good news to the poor … to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Our main support to the Baptist Center for Ethics is not financial – we surely contribute in the measure of our possibilities – but spiritual and moral.
We appreciate BCE’s commitments to equality, the defense of religious minorities, immigrants and refugees, people in prison and all sorts of poor, captive, blind and oppressed peoples.
EthicsDaily.com does all this in a free, independent, humble and balanced way.
Each of us lives with the temptation of minimizing the demands of the Gospel in order to achieve multiple forms of what we define as “success,” even if in so doing we sacrifice truth, peace, justice and the needs of many others who accompany us in our common paths of life.
EthicsDaily.com reminds us every day that the most important achievement in life is fidelity to the Gospel and a true commitment to a life of service and ministry, an ethical life.
This is why I support the Baptist Center for Ethics. I fully support EthicsDaily.com.
Daniel Carro is professor of divinity at the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Arlington, Virginia, and a BCE board member.