One of the songs in the cantata our choir is singing this year is about Joseph promising Mary that there is an inn awaiting their arrival in Bethlehem. Of course, we know that when they arrived, there was no room for them.

Perhaps if Joseph had used an app on his phone, he could have reserved a room ahead of time; maybe he could even have paid ahead with his credit card to guarantee that room.

Seriously, as I have thought about that fully booked inn and paying ahead, I have realized that supporting ministries such as the Baptist Center for Ethics (BCE) / is a way of “paying ahead.”

In order for organizations such as BCE to survive and thrive, those of us who believe in what they are doing need to support them financially as well as with our prayers.

We live in a world that is sharply divided with “fake news” coming at us from all quarters. is a source for thoughtful, prayerful views on the issues of our day.

I had the privilege of serving, some years ago now, on the board of BCE, and that up close and personal experience deepened my appreciation for what and who BCE is and does.

The documentaries produced by have sought to span areas of conflict or misunderstanding. The website and daily columns often provoke soul-searching and renewed commitment to following the commands of our Savior.

Robert Parham, Cliff Vaughn, Zach Dawes and others continue to “challenge people of faith to advance the common good,” as’s motto says.

My husband and I believe in supporting our local church first, but we have also been led to gladly support several other ministries, including BCE, that we feel are following the leadership of God’s Spirit to provide for a room at the inn in Bethlehem – or more importantly, in our hearts.

Sara Powell is a former BCE board member and former moderator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia. She and her husband, Bill, live in Hartwell, Georgia, and they belong to Hartwell First United Methodist Church. Her writings can be found on her website,