Forgive and Forget

Many marriages run into trouble because of a lack of communication between the spouses. For example, let us say that the husband does something that either irritated his wife or causes her some type of emotional pain. The husband may be oblivious to the offense...

Room For Us All

This past week marked the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. In announcing the unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruling that effectively ended legalized racial segregation in our culture, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote: “We conclude that, in the field...

Racism’s Less-Visible Violence

At the request of a Baptist campus minister at a major medical school in Alabama, I invited the pastor of an African-American church to discuss the issue of violence. The minister cited a litany of examples. He told of being denied the constitutional right to vote,...

Capital Punishment and Race

Are those with darker skin more likely to commit crimes than those with lighter skin? Is it because they are genetically prone to violence? Or is it because of how we have been taught to see them? How we react to dark-skinned bodies is illustrated by a study conducted...