by Robert Parham | Oct 31, 2006 | Opinion
Republicans have triggered their “Southern Strategy” in the Tennessee Senate race, as evidenced by a bare-shouldered white woman–an actress playing a blond Playboy bunny, who winks and whispers for African-American Democratic senatorial candidate...
by Miguel A. De La Torre | Jun 21, 2006 | Opinion
For the past half millennium, racial and ethnic forms of economic oppression were normalized and legitimatized in the eyes of the overwhelming majority of Euroamericans, an entrenched understanding that found legal (eugenics was constitutional upheld by the U.S....
by Miguel A. De La Torre | May 25, 2006 | Opinion
“Then Gilead cut Ephraim off from the fords of the Jordan, and whenever an Ephraimite fugitive said, ‘Let me cross,’ the men of Gilead asked him, ‘Are you an Ephraimite?’ If he answered ‘No,’ they said, ‘Then say...
by Bob Allen | May 1, 2006 | News
The Alliance of Baptists went on record last week declaring itself “a self-consciously anti-racist group.” The Alliance, a 117-church organization started 19 years ago in a break with the Southern Baptist Convention, adopted a “call to...
by Robert Parham | Mar 31, 2006 | Opinion
As slavery was at the heart of the founding of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1845, racism was at the heart of the beginnings of the anti-public school movement and the founding of the Christian academies in the 1960s. Denial of either engages in historical...