by Bob Allen | Feb 19, 2008 | News
A Tennessee congressional candidate is being criticized for not disavowing a flier that says the incumbent and Jews hate Jesus. “Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen and the Jews HATE Jesus,” says the flier, reportedly distributed by a “Rev. George...
by Bob Allen | Feb 4, 2008 | News
The church’s struggle against racism is no longer primarily about skin color, but institutions that bestow privilege on some and penalties on others, an activist, denominational leader and scholar said in a special-interest session Friday at the New Baptist...
by Bob Allen | Feb 1, 2008 | News
Why are Baptists so often viewed as narrow, intolerant, politically naive and prone to internal warfare? “The reason is because for so long so many Baptists have worked so hard to exclude so many,” author John Grisham said Thursday in a message at the New...
by Cliff Vaughn | Jan 21, 2008 | Opinion
On Jan. 2, 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. led a “mass meeting” at Brown Chapel in Selma, Ala. This meeting kicked off the involvement of King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Selma’s voting rights campaign. King had already survived...
by Andrew Manis | Jan 21, 2008 | Opinion
The Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday affords Americans a built-in opportunity to revisit the issue of racial justice. It is also a window through which we may re-view the lives of others who, like King, pushed America toward becoming a “beloved community” of...