Should We Apologize for Slavery?

The question came up on an American Airlines flight from Nashville to Dallas. I was reading the September-October issue of Sojourners, a liberal Christian magazine, and my seatmate was reading over my shoulder. We were both taken with a letter to the editor that...

Integrating Churches Easier Said Than Done

One reason 11 a.m. Sunday remains the most segregated hour in America is because many church members want it that way, according to a recent article by CNN. The Aug. 4 article quoted religious scholars and members of interracial churches who said both blacks and...

The Search for Equality Continues

I grew up in Brownwood, Texas, an ordinary segregated county-seat town. I gave little thought to the welfare or needs of the folks who lived in “The Flats,” the place where the blacks lived. The shoe-shine “boy” in my dad’s barber shop...