Film Offers Starting Point for Deeper Relationships

I had the privilege of watching Beneath the Skin: Baptists and Racism at the Texas Black Film Festival Feb 5-7. The film from was nominated for Best Documentary and shown with more than 40 films at the Studio Movie Grill in Dallas. This was at least my...

DVD Showing on Racism Hits Home

Showings of Beneath the Skin: Baptists and Racism in two tiny south Arkansas towns hit home. Chester Thompson, pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church in Camden, Ark., and moderator-elect of CBF of Arkansas, helped host presentations of the DVD on racial attitudes,...

Baptists in Search of Unity

This past Saturday nearly 1,200 Baptists representing several diverse Baptist groups gathered in downtown Birmingham searching for a common, unifying purpose. The meeting was part of the New Baptist Covenant–an idea born in the imaginations of former President...

Baptists and Racism

Baptists have a long and storied history on the issue of race and racism. The Southern Baptist Convention was founded in 1845 largely over the issue of slavery. Northern Baptists favored the abolition of slavery, whereas Southern Baptists supported it. White Baptists...