What’s Really Motivating Angry Town-Hall Mobs?

We seem to have arrived at the end of sanity. Fear, anger and raw political manipulation have become the new world disorder – at least in America. Members of Congress trying to hold town hall meetings on health care reform are being shouted down by angry mobs of...

Building Bridges: Crossing Valley of Racism

Baptists of various races gathered Thursday in Norman, Okla., for a discussion that a prominent Southern Baptist African-American pastor called “courageous, prophetic and appropriate.”   Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington,...

Baptist Luncheon Highlights Racism DVD, Panel

HOUSTON, Texas — A panel attempted to unravel several tangled strands from “Beneath the Skin: Baptists and Racism” during a screening of the award-winning documentary at the Baptist Center for Ethics luncheon at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Assembly July...