by James L. Evans | Apr 12, 2010 | Opinion
In “Parting the Waters,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning story of the early years of the civil rights movement, Taylor Branch describes some of the differences between Dr. Martin Luther King’s goals and those of the NAACP. King, following the teachings of...
by Richard V. Pierard | Mar 30, 2010 | Opinion
The adoption of the health care reform bill is one of the great achievements of recent American history. Until now, the United States had been the only industrialized nation not to have a system of universal health for its citizens. The efforts to block this reform...
by Miguel A. De La Torre | Mar 28, 2010 | Opinion
Two days prior to the presidential visit, handbills were circulated throughout the city. It pictured two photos of the president – one facing the camera, the other depicting his left profile, resembling a police mug shot. Beneath the pictures, in bold letters, was the...
by T Thomas | Mar 24, 2010 | Opinion
While March 21 may be remembered in U.S. history for the passage of health care reform, the day will always mean something different for me. It was the day that I witnessed a miracle. In a medium-sized church in Enid, Okla., I saw history made as Thelma Chambers-Young...
by Laurie Taylor | Mar 16, 2010 | Opinion
Just as my mom turned onto Main Street, an angry mob surrounded our car and began to violently rock it back and forth. I remember the shock and terror as my mother told me to stay calm and pray. I was only 12 and couldn’t fathom why this was happening....