by Chuck Warnock | Jun 15, 2010 | Opinion
In each generation, we must recognize the subtleties of racial discrimination and address the inequities in our society. Sociologists say we live in “the post-civil rights era.” More than 45 years ago, Congress passed the landmark civil rights bills. They...
by Laura M. Rector | May 31, 2010 | Opinion
Efforts at both educational and immigration “reforms” in Arizona have rightly brought about protests of both institutionalized racism and personal prejudice in many Americans’ thoughts and actions. Others remain unconvinced though, particularly when...
by Chuck Warnock | May 24, 2010 | Opinion
Senate nominee Rand Paul’s position that private businesses open to serve the public should be able to discriminate has raised a firestorm of protest. Paul contends that a free market will punish businesses that discriminate, and therefore government does not...
by Chuck Warnock | May 23, 2010 | Opinion
We’ve been here before. A candidate for federal office is touting the “rights” of business people to serve, or refuse to serve, anybody they wish. The candidate is not the late Lester Maddox of Georgia, Ross Barnett of Mississippi, George Wallace of...
by Chuck Warnock | Apr 25, 2010 | Opinion
Based on the recent New York Times poll of tea partiers, you are likely to find them sitting in your church pews. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Should pastors or church leaders encourage, discourage or ignore tea party advocates among their members or visitors...