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Trial Opens in Mass. Black Church Arson Case

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (RNS) After two accomplices pleaded guilty, the sole man to stand trial for torching a black church the night of President Obama’s election was confronted with secretly taped recordings during opening arguments on Monday (March 21). “Gas,...

Leaving Everything to Follow Jesus

A sermon delivered by Keith Herron, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo., on January 23, 2011. Matthew 4:12-23 When Jesus heard the news that John the Baptist was taken into prison, something must have reverberated deep within him. Something profound must have...

Clergy Answer King’s 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail

(RNS) A coalition of Christian churches answered the Rev. Martin Luther King’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” conceding that Americans have often have chosen to be comfortable rather than “prophetic” on racism. Leaders of Christian Churches Together in the USA,...

King’s Legacy Led Many to Think More Justly

The observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday has become, after a rather contentious early history, an appropriate national celebration of one of the pivotal personalities and movements of modern times. In addition to its reminder of the vision, leadership and...