by Gordon King | Nov 8, 2017 | Opinion
Racism and prophetic protests against racism are part of the biblical message. I wonder why we hear so few sermons in our churches about this moral issue. Perhaps Glen Stassen and David Gushee (“Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context”) are...
by Brent McDougal | Nov 1, 2017 | Opinion
We show love for God by the way that we show love for neighbors, which is always measured by what we do, not what we say. Like Bob Goff says, “Love does.” This was the central message of a recent sermon I preached on Luke 10:25-37’s Parable of the...
by Stuart Blythe | Oct 26, 2017 | Opinion
The style of proclamation is essential when preaching to confront racism, according to William Willimon, a U.S. theologian and bishop in the United Methodist Church. “What is said by the preacher may not be as important as how it is said. Style, the manner of...
by Stuart Blythe | Oct 13, 2017 | Opinion
To preach against racism is “prophetic.” It is prophetic in “seeing” the presence of such racism that may not be apparent to those of us who live in and benefit from white privilege. It is prophetic in “naming” the issue and naming...
by Stuart Blythe | Oct 12, 2017 | Opinion
William Willimon’s latest book, “Who Lynched Willie Earle? Preaching to Confront Racism,” often draws on his own Methodist tradition in order to honestly name racism as sin and engage in acts of “detoxification, renovation and...