by Chris Smith | Jun 6, 2018 | Opinion
The world witnessed a beautiful example of a truly integrated and diverse worship experience through the wedding of Prince Harry and now Princess Meghan Markle. Each element of the service was beautifully and uniquely balanced between the two cultures of Harry and...
by Starlette Thomas | Jun 5, 2018 | Opinion
Race and its progeny – prejudice, racism and stereotypes – are the elephants in our pews. It’s a jungle in here on Sunday mornings and more than a tight squeeze as we attempt to lift our hands in worship, to fold our hands in prayer, to grab the hand...
by Stephen K. Reeves | Jun 5, 2018 | Opinion
There is little doubt we are experiencing a moment of heightened racial tension. The easy access of video recording has unveiled multiple instances of police violence as well as acts of overt racism that many of our brothers and sisters experience daily. White...
by Timothy Peoples | Jun 4, 2018 | Opinion
When I walked into the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Kentucky, I was excited to find an exhibit focusing on southern art. After spending some time in the exhibit, I stumbled upon a piece titled “High Yella Masterpiece: We Ain’t No Cotton Pickin’...
by Ryon Price | Jun 4, 2018 | Opinion
I have a slight preference for white persons over black persons. That’s not a confession; it’s a diagnosis. According to the online Implicit Association Test, which measures the unconscious biases associated with persons of various races and ethnicities, I...