Prophets of the King

Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, and Ahab, king of Israel, joined forces to make war against the king of Aram. But before marching off on their holy crusade, Jehoshaphat insisted on consulting the word of God. About 400 prophets were gathered, who in one voice replied:...

Which God is Dead?

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) made the scandalous proclamation that “God is dead” in one of his well-known works, Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (1882). The church’s initial reaction was to condemn him and his brand of...

Illiterate Ethicist

My mother was illiterate and never had a chance to go to school. She fled Cuba for the United States during the political turbulence of 1958 with her infant son. What my mother lacked in formal education she made up for in street smarts. She, like so many other...

God Loves Gays as People

To my gay bothers and sisters, may the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. I’ve received numerous communiques demanding an apology for a previous column I penned. And I agree. But if any apology is due, it should be to be made to the gay community. I am sorry...