Shaking Off the Dust

“The spirit of the Lord is upon me, and has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor, proclaim freedom to the captives, provide sight to those who cannot see, bring liberation to the oppressed, and proclaim the Lord’s year of jubilee!” With these...

Teaching the Bible in Public Schools

I’m concerned that public schools are debating the inclusion of a book in its curriculum that has disturbing sections. Should our young children be exposed to certain stories? Below is a section of a book that I’m sure will disturb many Christians:...

A Crusade for National Power

When tempted by Satan in the desert, Jesus was promised all the kingdoms of the earth in exchange for worshipfully bowing down to the Prince of Darkness. Jesus refused Satan’s temptation of political power. Later, Jesus taught his disciples to preach the good...

Prof’s Departure Linked to Newspaper Column

Students at Hope College in Holland, Mich., protested the departure of religion professor Miguel De La Torre, after rumors circulated that the school’s president forced him out because of a controversial newspaper column. De La Torre, whose regular Holland...