A ‘Spanglish’ Christmas

As all good theologians know, Heaven is a lot like a tropical island in the Caribbean, where cool gentle breezes refresh the land and the soul from the heat of the day. Hence Christmas is best celebrated in shorts and a tank top, preferably at the beach. Forgive me,...

‘Full-Quiver’ Theology Appeals to Race

In a July 27 column in Baptist Press, Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (my alma mater) insists that couples who choose childlessness are guilty of “rebellion against parenthood [that] represents nothing less than an absolute revolt...

Justice for Tookie

On Dec. 13, Stanley Tookie Williams has a date with death. He sits in California’s Death Row. The only thing that now stands between him and the executioner is a final appeal for clemency from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Williams is convicted of the gang-style...

Columbus Day No Reason to Celebrate

Women were raped. Children were disemboweled. Men fell prey to the invaders’ swords. Within a generation, the lives and cultures of the indigenous people of the Americas were forever changed. Avarice for gold and glory took its course and decimated the...

Recipe for a Perfect Storm

The recipe for a perfect storm is when an economic policy that is devastating to the poor is mixed together by an administrative kitchen of incompetency. If our response to New Orleans is another demonstration of “compassionate conservatism,” then maybe...