by James L. Evans | Mar 20, 2002 | Opinion
The most recent edition of “Alabama Citizens Watch,” the official newsletter of the Alabama Christian Coalition, features a bit of self-congratulatory indulgence. The celebration was prompted by comments from Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert W. Fogel....
by James L. Evans | Mar 4, 2002 | Opinion
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.” At least, that’s what we tell our children to help them cope with schoolyard bullies. And at the schoolyard level, it may be true. Unfortunately, it is not always true. Sometimes...
by James L. Evans | Feb 18, 2002 | Opinion
It’s a classic example of taking one step forward and two steps back. The U.S. House of Representatives struck a blow for campaign finance reform this past week by passing the Shays- Meehan bill. This bill, if it becomes law, will go a long way towards...
by James L. Evans | Feb 13, 2002 | Opinion
Holy days are important in the life of any faith tradition. They are essential to asserting and maintaining faith identity. That’s why Muslim, Jewish and Hindu worshipers were angry a few years back. Southern Baptist leaders encouraged their constituents to seek...
by James L. Evans | Jan 16, 2002 | Opinion
Members of Christ Community Church in Alamogordo, N.M. made news recently by igniting what they called a “holy bonfire.” Pastor Jack Brock urged his flock to burn evil books, such as Harry Potter and Shakespeare. So, they did. There is something comical...