by Zach Dawes Jr | Dec 31, 2018 | Opinion
Energetic and rewarding. These are two words that describe 2018 for An in-person staff meeting in early January with Mitch Randall, our new executive director, kicked off the year, as we dreamed about and planned for the next era in our organization’s...
by Mitch Randall | Dec 20, 2018 | Opinion
EthicsDaily is committed to working with partners seeking to engage and empower the next generation of Baptists. If the moderate-to-progressive Baptist movement is to continue, the next generation needs to be given opportunities to shine its light. Civil rights icon...
by Tyrone Keels | Dec 10, 2018 | Opinion
My “burning bush moment” came at the age of 38. I was called from being a shepherd in corporate America (mid-level management) to shepherding God’s people (pastoral ministry). With this calling, I realized I needed training, so I enrolled in seminary. There, I found...
by Tyler Conway | Nov 26, 2018 | Opinion
One criticism that the pro-life movement tends to hear repeatedly is that their position would be taken much more seriously if they would adopt a consistent pro-life ethic that rejects all forms of killing. This, of course, would include issues like capital...
by Carlo Serna | Nov 12, 2018 | Opinion
The first three chapters of Genesis lay out a biblical foundation for ideal living. But how should these passages be interpreted in light of events that question the roles and power of women? This subject has been a point of contention, with many citing the first...