Baptists, Muslims Seek Common Ground, Peace

In planning for nearly a year, the Baptist-Muslim conversation held on Saturday, April 20, could not have gone better. It was not lost on anyone in attendance how timely and significant this initiative was. There was a palpable sense in the room that we were doing...

Myanmar Baptists Prepare for Bicentennial

The Baptists in Myanmar are in high gear preparing to host thousands to celebrate the 200-year impact of the arrival of the Judsons in 1813.  Baptists here claim Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) as one of their own, which speaks highly of his cultural assimilation. ...

Women in Ministry Stepping Out of Shadows

Women in ministry, long kept in the shadows by many Baptist churches and organizations, surged into the spotlight recently. The reflections on a cultural shift took many shapes and forms at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas assembly April 27-28 at Pulaski...