by Molly T. Marshall | Jun 10, 2013 | Opinion
The showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal is one of the riveting scenes in the Hebrew Scriptures. When King Ahab assembled the Israelites, the forthright prophet offered a stark choice: “If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow...
by Molly T. Marshall | May 3, 2013 | Opinion
In planning for nearly a year, the Baptist-Muslim conversation held on Saturday, April 20, could not have gone better. It was not lost on anyone in attendance how timely and significant this initiative was. There was a palpable sense in the room that we were doing...
by Molly T. Marshall | Mar 26, 2013 | Opinion
The Baptists in Myanmar are in high gear preparing to host thousands to celebrate the 200-year impact of the arrival of the Judsons in 1813. Baptists here claim Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) as one of their own, which speaks highly of his cultural assimilation. ...
by Molly T. Marshall | Feb 28, 2013 | Opinion
“We are the relatives who just won’t go away,” observed Rabbi Gary Greenbaum, as he wryly summed up the ongoing challenges of Jewish-Christian relations. I have recently concluded a two-day conference of the Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI),...
by David McCollum | May 21, 2012 | News
Women in ministry, long kept in the shadows by many Baptist churches and organizations, surged into the spotlight recently. The reflections on a cultural shift took many shapes and forms at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas assembly April 27-28 at Pulaski...