A strong majority (86 percent) of U.S. adults favors a pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers,” undocumented children brought to the U.S. by their parents, according to Gallup survey data released on June 20.

By comparison, 11 percent said they opposed and 4 percent strongly opposed “allowing immigrants, who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, the chance to become U.S. citizens if they meet certain requirements over a period of time.”

“Strong majorities of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (75 percent) as well as Democrats and Democratic leaners (92 percent) favor allowing immigrants brought into the country illegally as children to have a chance to become U.S. citizens,” Gallup said.

A smaller majority (57 percent) opposed “significantly expanding the construction of walls along the U.S.-Mexico border,” with 41 percent favoring or strongly favoring this action.

Questions about “sanctuary cities” and family-based immigration pathways received more mixed responses.

Half of all U.S. adults favor or strongly favor “banning ‘sanctuary cities’ by requiring local government to cooperate with U.S. agencies trying to enforce federal immigration laws,” while 45 percent oppose or strongly oppose doing so. The remaining 4 percent of respondents voiced no opinion.

Similarly, 46 percent favor or strongly favor “ending programs by which legal immigrants can sponsor relatives living abroad to move to the U.S. as permanent legal residents,” compared to 52 percent who oppose or strongly oppose doing so, with 2 percent voicing no opinion.

The full report is available here.