Kim Divelbiss is minister to children and families and day school director at NorthHaven Church in Norman, Oklahoma.
- Where did you grow up?
My growing-up years were a little scattered. Due to my father’s career, I lived in Arkansas, Texas, Missouri and Nebraska as a child. Nebraska was where my family lived the longest and where I graduated from high school.
- What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?
Isaiah 41:10.
This is my favorite verse because, quite honestly, I frequently need a reminder that my trust is in God rather than myself.
- What is your favorite movie? Why?
“Steel Magnolias.”
It has a great story, southern hospitality and an unbeatable cast.
- Who are three people you admire?
Minnie Porter, my Granny, who is a minister without the title; Dolly Parton and Barbara Bush.
- What is one little-known fact about yourself?
I began college with the intent of teaching middle-school home economics.