Jim Kelsey is executive minister of the American Baptist Churches-New York State.

1. Where did you grow up?

Outside of Dayton, Ohio, in Kettering.

2. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?

Jeremiah 29:11-14.

It expresses God’s unending goodwill toward us and assures us that God has a future for us regardless of where our lives and choices have taken us.

3. What is your favorite movie? Why?

“Howards End.”

It narrates the inevitable loss and challenge that change brings.

4. Who are three people you admire?

Don Wyatt (a man in my Ohio church), Tom Logue (former state director of student work in Arkansas) and Ben and Luke (my two sons).

5. What is one little-known fact about yourself?

I listen to country music when I travel the New York State Thruway alone at night.