People of faith are more likely to be inspired by their beliefs to help those in need and to work for justice in society, according to a Barna Group report published Dec. 4.

The survey polled 18- to 35-year-olds from 25 nations, asking them questions about what they consider to be leading global issues, how the faith community is inspiring activism to address needs and what motivation their beliefs provide in engaging critical issues.

Respondents were presented with the prompt, “Because of my beliefs, it is important that I …” along with six responses: five possible actions and a “none of the above” option.

Those who identified as having “no faith” were most likely to select “none of the above” (31% did so), compared to 10% of Christians and 10% of other faith traditions.

People of faith were significantly more likely to select each of the five actions inspired by their beliefs than respondents associated with no faith tradition.

Among Christian respondents, 56% said their beliefs compel them to be “concerned about the welfare of others,” 56% said “give of my time to help others in need,” 48% said “stand up against injustice against individuals or groups,” 47% “stand up against corruption,” and 46% “give of my own resources … to help others in need.”

People of other faith traditions responded in similarly high numbers: 47% (concern for others’ welfare), 56% (give time to help others), 47% (stand against injustice), 48% (stand against corruption) and 49% (give to help others).

By comparison, respondents not identifying with a faith tradition were lower for each of the five forms of engagement: 41% (concern for others’ welfare), 32% (give time to help others), 40% (stand against injustice), 37% (stand against corruption) and 26% (give to help others).

The margin of error was plus-or-minus 3.9%.

The full report is available here.