There are many online resources for congregational leaders planning worship services and other events related to the first anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America.

These are the opening words to “A Litany of Remembrance, Penitence and Hope,” available from the National Council of Churches. The litany is one of many online resources for congregational leaders planning worship services and other events related to the first anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America.

Below are other links to Sept. 11 resources, with a sampling of items available (many as downloadable PDFs):

American Baptist Churches USA. Includes:

§   ABC’s 2001 “Shalom Response” document

§   litany

Mennonite Central Committee. Includes:

§   worship suggestions

§   bulletin insert

Presbyterian Church, USA. Includes:

§   suggestions for ecumenical prayer services and other Sept. 11 commemorations

§   worship resources (sermon ideas, suggestions for hymns and other music, prayers, litanies, etc.)

§   Sunday school resources

§   resources on interfaith relationships

United Methodist Church. Includes:

§   reflections and other articles

§   worship resources (sermon outlines, prayers, hymns, graphics, etc.)

§   Sunday school resources

§   resources for grief counseling/spiritual care

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Includes:

§   hymns

§   responsive readings

§   readings

United Church of Christ. Includes:

§   worship resources (sermon outline, worship liturgy and hymn)

§   Bible study resources

Upper Room Ministries. Includes:

§   devotional reflections

§   a prayer

§   resources for dealing with grief and loss

Another site of interest:

Washington National Cathedral. Archbishop Desmond Tutu will join leaders of national faith institutions to offer prayers of remembrance and peace.

David Wilkinson is a well-known Baptist journalist currently writing news stories and features for