By John D. Pierce

Jack Causey is not only a creative and effective pastor — he is the epitome of a pastor’s pastor.

My first recollection of Jack comes from my campus ministry years when he led a workshop (might have been called something cooler like a “breakout”) on creative worship. I was impressed with his leadership and personality then — and it has grown over the years.

Having Jack serve on the Nurturing Faith Board of Directors for several years provided the chance for me to engage with him more closely. He was always resourceful, kind and insightful.

As he progressed into his retirement years — following a wonderful pastorate at First Baptist Church of Statesville, N.C. — Jack never lost his touch for staying on the cutting edge of relevant ministry. His mentoring of younger ministers — and some that aren’t so young — has been deep and wide.

In a 2016 blog I said of Jack’s mentoring skills and congregational guidance: “Jack is an investor — giving his wisdom, support and guidance as ministers and congregations hand off leadership and move through times of significant change.”

So it is wholly fitting that Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina would create an educational fund to honor Jack and his beloved wife Mary Lib who died on May 1 of this year.

The fund, according to CBFNC, will be used for “formal theological education scholarships, continuing education for clergy and laity, and for special programs that strengthen congregational leadership.”

A dinner event to launch the fund and honor the many contributions of the Causeys will be held on Thursday, Nov. 21, at First Baptist Statesville. For information and reservations visit and click on the “events” tab.

Legacy is sometimes undervalued. But it’s one thing to serve well — yet an exceptional thing to have one’s influence expand through those impacted by one’s life.