By John D. Pierce, Executive Editor

Three-time author Jon R. Roebuck’s latest book, Creating Space, marked a milestone for Nurturing Faith. It was the publishing ministry’s 100th title.

It all began with a casual conversation — over coffee in a bookstore, no less — with veteran publisher David Cassady, founder of the creative services firm Faithlab. We discussed the changing technology of publishing and the continuing demand for both print and digital books.

That 2011 conversation led to a new collaboration and the formation of Nurturing Faith, Inc. as the book-publishing arm of the non-profit Baptists Today, Inc.

“Book publishing seemed a natural fit for Nurturing Faith, given that one of its gifts is giving exposure to other voices, enriching our conversations around faith and ministry,” said Cassady, now-president of Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. “The way Faithlab and Nurturing Faith work together can also be seen as a model for how organizations can choose to collaborate rather than compete.”

The first Nurturing Faith titles emerged in 2012 and the publishing venture has never slowed.

Lynelle Mason’s moving personal story titled Tarnished Haloes, Open Hearts was among the first books to emerge. She is Nurturing Faith’s most prolific author.

“I will soon publish my seventh book with Nurturing Faith and am delighted to say I find their entire staff to be informed, reliable and supportive,” she said. “In fact they have become part of my extended family, beloved and treasured.”

Roebuck, a former Nashville pastor and current executive director of the Rev. Charlie Curb Center for Faith Leadership at Belmont University, said his first publishing experience with Nurturing Faith was so positive that he returned with even greater trust.

“One thing I like about Nurturing Faith is I know you all want the book to be a quality product as much as I do,” said Roebuck.

He expressed appreciation for the feedback from Lex Horton, book-publishing manager, about how each manuscript might be better shaped — and he trusts the skills of Nurturing Faith’s copyeditors and designers.

Roebuck added that his experiences with all three books have been “good from the approval of the manuscript to the books on the doorstep.”

Carol Boseman Taylor of Rocky Mount, N.C., penned a devotional book titled, I Promise. Rejoice! Her daughter went searching for a publisher.

“When she decided to submit it to Nurturing Faith, the magic began to happen,” said Taylor, who considered her experience so positive that she gives the proceeds from the sales to the publishing ministry.

Some Nurturing Faith publishing efforts are collaborations with other organizations including the Center for Healthy Churches, The Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership at Mercer University, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global, CBF of North Carolina, Baptist Joint Committee, The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, Pinnacle Leadership Associates and the Alliance of Baptists.

“The Alliance of Baptists is pleased to have found a publishing partner in Nurturing Faith, and we join them in celebrating the milestone of having published 100 books,” said Paula Dempsey, the Alliance’s director of partnership relations.

“Our collaborations on Reimagining Zion and Believe the Women have allowed the Alliance to help tell our story and enable our authors to find an outlet for their work,” said Dempsey. “We look forward to working with Nurturing Faith on more projects to facilitate our individual missions and further this important partnership.”

Jim Dant’s small but bestselling book, This I Know: A Simple Biblical Defense for LGBTQ Christians, continues to draw interest across denominational lines as a valued resource.

“It would be an understatement to say I’m proud to have one of my books among the first 100 to be published by Nurturing Faith,” said Dant, pastor of First Baptist Church of Greenville, SC.

The book’s wide appeal has led to his receiving correspondence from readers on every continent but Antarctica, and participating in book signings and other personal appearances in Georgia, the Carolinas, Florida, Arizona, California, Washington, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas and Washington, D.C.

In addition to providing help and hope to many individuals, Dant noted, the Bible-focused book has become a guide for churches, denominational study groups, educational institutions and even corporations seeking openness and understanding.

“Honestly, the publication and promotion of this book has been — and continues to be — a great ride,” he said. “None of this would have been possible without the attentive collaboration offered by Nurturing Faith Publishing.”

Dant praised Nurturing Faith for its involvement with his book from the earliest editorial work to ongoing assistance with marketing to timely fulfillment of orders to presence at many related events.

“Nurturing Faith has helped provide life for this book,” he said. “And in doing so, they’ve lived up to their name; they have nurtured the faith of so, so many.”

Additionally, beautiful hardcover commemorative books have been published as church or university histories along with other special projects. For more about book publishing, book purchasing and the broader publishing ministry of Nurturing Faith, visit