Baptist Center for Ethics / has worked diligently for 28 years to shine a light on ethical issues that matter to Baptists.

My predecessor, Robert Parham, fused an entrepreneurial and creative spirit with his deep passion for Christian ethics.

More recently, through the E3 Initiative, we have educated readers with columns concerning critical issues, engaged the most pressing topics facing faith communities and empowered partners with valuable information and inspirational stories.

In 2019, columnists have addressed topics including immigration, climate change, Christian nationalism, LGBTQ inclusion, racial justice, ministerial health and theological education; many more are in the works for 2020!

Contributors hailed from 27 U.S. states (including D.C.) and 16 countries, ranging from seasoned ministers and professors to seminary students and first-call ministers.

Video projects focused on critical Baptist events, the Pulse nightclub shooting, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Advocacy in Action, Metro Baptist Church in New York, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas’ ministries, U.S.-Mexico border ministry, Christian nationalism and advocating for sensible gun control following several tragic mass shootings.

EthicsDaily also prioritizes strategic collaboration, championing the idea that “a rising tide lifts all boats.”

We worked with national and regional chapters of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Baptist World Alliance, American Baptist Churches USA, Alliance of Baptists, Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries, Good God Podcast hosted by George Mason, New Baptist Covenant, Nurturing Faith and BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty).

With 2020 right around the corner, EthicsDaily will not slow down. In addition to more columns and topical series, we will release our first podcast featuring the life and ministry of Molly T. Marshall, president of Central Seminary.

In addition to the Marshall podcast, we are currently in pre-production on a second podcast that will be announced in 2020. Keep listening and reading to find out what intriguing new story we will be releasing later in the year.

Another project currently being discussed is the release of another short documentary detailing the inspirational relationship between a black pastor and his white counterpart.

Born out of confrontation and tension, they were able to look past their differences to discover each other’s humanity.

Even more so, their congregations were brought into their developing friendship, opening each church to live out the diverse and complex beloved community.

As you can see, EthicsDaily continues to work hard, bringing the latest stories and covering current issues through creative and innovative means.

Nonprofit journalism depends on the vision, commitment and generosity of institutions and people like you who are dedicated to a free and faithful press.

As you consider investing in social justice initiatives this year, remember that EthicsDaily is committed to addressing the most pertinent issues, sharing illuminating stories and using the latest technology to deliver timely information and biblically based resources.

Visionary donors like you are the only way we can continue.

We humbly ask for you, your church or your institution to make an end-of-year donation to EthicsDaily. Your gift is valued and appreciated.

Each contribution, both small and large, helps advance our cause of bringing the most relevant information and stories to you each week.

To donate, click here. Alternately, you may send a check to P.O. Box 150506, Nashville, TN 37215-0506.

Thank you for supporting our vital mission to provide trustworthy information and faith-based resources.

With an end-of-the-year donation, you will be investing in press freedom, religious liberty, radical inclusiveness and social justice!