Giving Tuesday is Dec. 3.

Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 as an attempt to unleash the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

Much of Giving Tuesday centers around the notion of soliciting donations for individual nonprofit organizations that are engaged in life-transforming work.

At EthicsDaily, we decided to embrace Giving Tuesday’s spirit of generosity. Therefore, we will share a portion of the revenue garnered on Giving Tuesday with another ministry engaged in life-transforming ministry and social justice work.

The Apostle Paul praised the Corinthian church for their generous spirit: “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us” (2 Corinthians 9:11).

As the Corinthian church shared its resources with Paul’s missional ministry, EthicsDaily wants to support other ministries working for justice in the world.

Jorge Zapata and his colleagues near the U.S.-Mexico border are involved in some of the most important and critical ministry today.

Zapata, director of Fellowship Southwest’s Immigrant Relief Ministry, works with local churches on both sides of the border, ministering to hundreds of refugees camping near ports of entry.

Zapata and Fellowship Southwest assist churches as they open shelters for refugees fleeing violence in Central America.

They are coordinating with Mexican and U.S. churches to provide basic necessities, as they share the love of Jesus with tired and desperate people.

EthicsDaily is excited to announce that on Giving Tuesday 2019 (Dec. 3), we will forward 20% of every donation given that day to support Zapata’s work with Fellowship Southwest and the local churches.

Leaning into our philosophy that a rising tide lifts all boats, we are determined to educate, engage and empower our community with stories and opportunities that truly make a difference in this world for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Zapata, Fellowship Southwest and the border churches are transforming the world as they replicate Jesus’ prayer, “Thy will be done on earth as it is on heaven.”

“Thank you for your generosity on this Giving Tuesday to our Mexico / U.S. border ministry,” Zapata said. “Thousands of children and families will be given a hot meal, shelter, a warm blanket and jacket to protect them from the winter.”

After an extremely long and dangerous journey, refugees arrive at the border with the most basic of needs (food, water and shelter) and a hope for a more secure future for their families.

From the darkest of places, these brave men, women and children are just looking for a beacon of light to live by.

In the 1959 teleplay, “Man of La Mancha,” inspired by the 17th century novel, “Don Quixote,” Dale Wasserman offered these words through his main character Miguel de Cervantes: “I come in a world of iron … to make a world of gold.”

Dedicated Christians like Zapata and his colleagues are attempting to turn iron into gold.

Together, let’s show our support through our generosity.

EthicsDaily has been inspired by the people we have encountered and their relationships that have been forged out of crisis.

If there is one verse that communicates the compassionate voice of this work, it’s Ephesians 2:19: “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.”

With a smile, warm meal and the love of Jesus, Zapata and his colleagues are welcoming refugees – not as strangers and aliens, but as citizens and saints of God’s household.

We, at EthicsDaily, want to support their work. By providing a donation to EthicsDaily on Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3), you will be empowering these saints of God as they demonstrate the hands and feet of Jesus.

Editor’s note: Secure, online donations can be made here. Donations may also be mailed to P.O. Box 150506, Nashville, TN 37215-0506.