By John D. Pierce

“Original” has a much nicer sound to it than the uppity word “exclusive.” Therefore, I refer to the many unique stories and columns that fill each issue of Nurturing Faith Journal as original content.

That is, there is no other place in print or online to find the inspiring and insightful articles coming in the May/June issue:

Tony Cartledge shares lessons learned from his late friend Fred Rogers — who invited children into his TV neighborhood with acceptance and grace.

Theologian Fisher Humphreys and psychiatrist Arthur Freeman consider 12 important questions about prayer.

William Neal and I remember influential editor emeritus Jack U. Harwell.

Astrophysicist Paul Wallace ponders the faith/science question: Are beliefs about God just patterns of neurons firing in our brains?

Historian Bruce Gourley continues his Religion and the American Presidents series with the second half of FDR’s term.

Discover how American friends are helping restore the oldest church in Paris in a vibrant neighborhood known for the arts and education.

Chris Gambill offers his thoughts on traditions, trends and changing times — in the latest installment of “Being Church.”

All of this and much more — including the scholarly but applicable Nurturing Faith Bible Studies by Tony Cartledge — found ONLY in Nurturing Faith Journal.

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