First it was vampires; now it is zombies. Our appetite for the bizarre and scary seems to know no end.
Of course, film-wise, it all started in 1968 when George Romero directed the cult classic, “Night of the Living Dead.” Even the Library of Congress has recognized that film as a giant in its genre and selected it for the National Film Registry.

However, the Apostle Paul may have been the first to write seriously about the living dead.

In Colossians 3:1-11, Paul reminds the Colossian Christians that they not only “have been raised with Christ” but they also have died to their previous way of life.

In other words, first-century Christians were the new living dead – alive to Christ but dead to the world out of which they had been saved.

Paul lists specific behaviors to which the Colossians should have been dead: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed. If those aren’t enough, he adds more like anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language.

When we look at that list, our spiritual pride tells us we are not as bad as the Colossians. But before we get too self-righteous, we need to realize that Paul was simply reminding the Colossian Christians that before they came to Christ, they acted like everybody else in their society.

In Roman culture, sexual mores were lax by Christian standards, and society prized the strong, rich and powerful. The Colossian Christians weren’t worse than we are; like us, they had just been doing what everyone else was doing.

For Christians, then and now, to be dead to our old life means to stop living like the culture around us lives. To be alive in Christ means to live as Christ enables – with new values, ethics and behaviors.

In this new society driven by the ethics of the Sermon on the Mount, there are no ethnic, political or social divisions – “no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all and in all” (see Galatians 3:11).

Christians are the new living dead in the 21st century.

It doesn’t take long to realize that our Western culture glorifies casual sex, worships at the cult of personality and values material possessions as trophies of success.

As the new living dead, Christians should be like dead people to the culture in which we find ourselves. We might be immersed in it, but we should not be enmeshed in a culture that is at odds with the Kingdom of God.

However, just because Christians are dead to culture doesn’t mean we are not a pervasive presence. Our living essence is salt and light, preserving and illuminating the world that God created and is redeeming.

The next time you watch a zombie flick, just remember that there are some experiences more amazing than horror film accounts of the dead who come back to life.

The real living dead are followers of Jesus Christ who have been raised with Christ, but who are dead as mackerels to the culture around them. Pretty incredible stuff when you think about it.

Chuck Warnock is pastor of Chatham Baptist Church in Chatham, Va. A version of this column first appeared on his blog and is used with permission.