Feature Documentaries
Since 2005, Good Faith Productions (formerly EthicsDaily.com) has produced 10 documentary and educational films for distribution digitally and on DVD, as well as hundreds of online videos and clips.
“Beneath the Skin” shows that racism is far from eradicated — inside or outside the church. Yet many Baptists are working together in proactive ways to break down the racial and ethnic walls of division and to be faithful to the Bible’s moral vision. The film considers past mistakes and future challenges regarding racial unity and social justice, peeling back prejudices and confronting them with biblical mandates.
From Boston to the Bible Belt and from Beaumont to the nation’s beltway, Baptists and Muslims are changing history with the way they engage each other. Tired of being defined by extremists, some U.S. Baptists and Muslims have sought and found common ground: the common word in both traditions to love neighbor. These stories will surprise you.
“Gospel Without Borders” brings more light and less heat to the issue of immigration. It separates myth from fact, examines what the Bible says about treatment of the “stranger,” shows the experiences of documented and undocumented immigrants, and provides handles for Christians to advance the common good. The stories will challenge and inspire you, while showing that the Christian gospel is indeed without borders.
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain,” wrote Benjamin Franklin, “except death and taxes.” For centuries, the faithful have said much about death, but very little about taxes. Yet, taxes support our common life as a society, and the Abrahamic faith traditions have much to say on this issue, and some of it will surprise you. The film explores how Jewish, Christian and Muslim people of faith read their sacred texts and what they say morally about taxation.
Thousands of people were killed in just a few days in 1966 in Nigeria. The death toll would have been higher if Christian missionaries hadn’t taken action to save lives. Their heroic work has been unknown, primarily because those involved never spoke about what happened – using veiled language and euphemisms, such as “the disturbances,” in public reports and statements. The film chronicles how missionaries and pastors saved lives during these tribal atrocities.
The documentary highlights the faith community’s engagement with prisons (ministering to inmates and officers, in prison and out, seeking charity and justice). Churches and faith-based organizations are working together in dynamic ways inside and outside prisons to help returning citizens productively re-enter society. The film raises awareness of this work by highlighting stories in Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.