Faith leaders released a letter on Dec. 9 urging 2020 candidates for president of the United States to reduce U.S. military spending.

Contrasting the government’s annual expenses on “war, weapons and the military” with those funds allocated for addressing poverty and hunger, improving education and protecting the environment, among other items, the letter called the disparity “a gross misrepresentation of our values.”

Signed by 70 faith leaders and 32 faith groups – including Alliance of Baptists, Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Central Committee U.S., National Council of Churches, Presbyterian Church (USA) and United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries – the letter asks 2020 candidates to reduce military spending and redirect those funds to other areas of need.

“Our faith insists that spending ever more resources on the tools and threats of violence will not bring us true security,” the letter reads. “We urge you to call for significant cuts to our nation’s military budget, for major reinvestments in our communities at home and for a more peaceful approach to the world beyond.”

The full letter is available here.