The release of a new documentary, 498 columns written by 139 unique contributors from 23 U.S. states and 11 nations, 125 news articles, nine photo news stories, and two revised and re-released Bible studies.

These figures represent some of’s 2016 initiatives, designed to provide a global perspective from goodwill people of faith on positively and proactively engaging pressing issues facing the world.

Included in these numbers are 49 articles related to the U.S. presidential election, many of which emphasized the importance of civility; around 40 articles related to migrants, refugees and immigration; 26 articles focused on interfaith engagement; 25 articles related to poverty; 15 articles addressing creation care; and nine news stories on the ongoing conflict in South Sudan with on-the-ground insight from Baptist leader Edward Dima.

Baptist Center for Ethics (BCE) celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2016 through several initiatives, including a breakfast event that included a game of “Name That Baptist” – a playful review of a quarter century of BCE initiatives seeking to advance the common good through positive, proactive moral resources.

The PowerPoint for the game can be viewed and downloaded here. A picture slideshow highlighting BCE’s history from 1991 to the present is available here. Pictures from the breakfast event are available here.

Two Bible studies were also re-released as part of our 25th anniversary. They were converted to digital format, significantly revised, renamed and republished with a new leader’s guide for each study.

Standing at the Crossroads,” written by Ray Higgins, coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia, is a four-week study on moral decision-making.

Walking in the Good Way,” written by Robert Parham,’s executive editor, is a four-week study on proactive discipleship.

Photo news stories were compiled through collaboration with global partners: Cuba, Estonia, Germany, Iowa, Jordan, North Carolina, South Sudan and Vancouver.

Media producer Cliff Vaughn produced 17 video segments this year, expanding the Vimeo page to slightly more than 200 video interviews, documentary clips and other media productions.

Vaughn’s primary focus in 2016 was completing’s newest documentary, “The Disturbances,” which was released in September.

The film has been screened 15 times in six states, receiving significant positive responses at each event. Additional screenings will take place throughout 2017.

The WMU Foundation urged its constituents, “Don’t miss a chance to see this incredible film!” and The Tennessean reporter Heidi Hall wrote, “Your documentary is smart, well told and has so much heart. I hope everyone sees it.”

A companion book, written by Parham, was also published and is available in addition to the film on DVD.

Richard Mouw, professor of faith and public life at Fuller Theological Seminary School, called the companion book an “important and informative narrative” in his review. “We are in Parham’s debt for what he has produced, both in this book and a companion documentary … We need to learn the important lessons to be learned.”

Now, what can you expect in 2017?

A few initiatives include:

New Profiles in Goodwill are being considered to highlight global Baptists who make a positive impact in their community, state and nation through common good initiatives.

Video interviews and articles from global faith leaders will continue to provide centrist reflections on relevant and pressing issues.

Additional screenings of “The Disturbances” will educate audiences about missions, genocide and humanitarian aid, and will inspire support for global mission work.

In short, will continue its efforts to offer dynamic initiatives that equip congregations and congregational leaders, witness to the best of the Baptist moral tradition and speak to all the good that houses of faith do to build social capital.