What did EthicsDaily.com accomplish in 2015?

More than 500 columns and around 100 news articles were published, written by more than 150 unique contributors from 23 U.S. states and nine countries.

Included in these numbers are 27 articles about the global refugee crisis, 22 articles reflecting on church trends, 13 articles related to religious liberty, a 10-part series on genocide for Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month, eight articles on how churches build social capital in their communities, and six articles related to human trafficking.

In addition, eight articles appeared related to interfaith engagement, and a free resource sheet was published in the wake of anti-Muslim rhetoric in the U.S. offering ways to engage positively with Muslim neighbors.

Forty-two articles on creation care were published, continuing a longstanding commitment of emphasizing the biblical mandate to be stewards of God’s creation.

These included a series of Baptist responses to the papal encyclical on the environment as well as articles, video interviews and pictures provided by contributing editor Brian Kaylor on the COP21 climate conference in Paris.

Extensive coverage was provided of the Baptist World Alliance’s 2015 World Congress in Durban, South Africa. Ten articles, 23 video interviews and a photo news story with nearly 300 pictures connected readers with the global Baptist community.

As part of the Profiles in Goodwill series – launched in September 2014 to introduce readers to global Baptists and other goodwill people of faith – an additional 61 profiles were published.

More than 40 video clips and interviews were produced and published on Vimeo.

These included interviews with Thomas Klammt of the German Baptist Union on the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe, and Shaun King, pastor of Johns Creek Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, on confronting the “Christmas crazies.”

Collaborating with global partners, nine photo news stories were compiled from Alabama, Bulgaria, Croatia, Jamaica, Paris, Romania, South Africa, Tennessee and Texas.

EthicsDaily.com invested a lot of time on a true, untold story that will inspire the Christian community when the documentary is released in the fall of 2016.

We interviewed more than 20 missionaries and missionary children who were eyewitnesses to the genocide that occurred in Nigeria in 1966.

We’ve collected more than 2,200 photographs, reams of personal correspondence, minutes, diaries, memorandums and telegrams. We’ve digitized 8mm film footage from the era.

Finally, Molly T. Marshall, president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Shawnee, Kansas, was named EthicsDaily.com’s Baptist of the Year for 2015 – a surprise announcement made annually during the last week of the year.

Now, what can you expect in 2016?

More of the same or even more dynamic initiatives that equip congregations and congregational leaders, witness to the best of the Baptist moral tradition and speak to all the good that houses of faith do to build social capital.

Raise your expectations and you will not be disappointed.

Baptist Center for Ethics will observe its 25th anniversary in 2016. If you benefit from the daily articles appearing on EthicsDaily.com, as well as our documentary films, video interviews and other moral resources, please consider making a donation today. Click here to donate in $10 increments. Click here to donate in $25 increments. Click here to donate in $50 increments.