Five new members for the / Baptist Center for Ethics board of directors were unanimously approved in early June, increasing the board to 15 members.

Their terms begin immediately, and they will serve from 2018 to 2020. The first official board meeting for the new directors will be November 2018 when the board meets at The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C.

The five new board members are:

  • Merianna Harrelson is pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in West Columbia, South Carolina, and editor-in-chief of Harrelson Press Publishing. Her monthly column series, “From the Pews,” is published on Her “Profile in Goodwill” is available here.
  • Cory L. Jones is senior pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Burlington, New Jersey. Jones appeared in a series of video interviews produced by for the Third National Baptist-Muslim Dialogue that took place in April 2018.
  • Justin Joplin is lead pastor of Lorne Park Baptist Church in Mississaugua, Ontario, Canada, which is affiliated with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. Joplin is the first board member to serve from Canada.
  • Greg Milligan is executive vice president at Harney Management Partners, LLC in Austin, Texas. He is a member of First Austin, a Baptist community of faith.
  • Stephen K. Reeves is associate coordinator of partnerships and advocacy for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. He is an attorney from Austin, Texas, who previously served with the Baptist Joint Committee and the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission. His “Profile in Goodwill” is available here.

Profiles in Goodwill for Jones, Joplin and Milligan are forthcoming.

“The five new directors will be incredible additions to the EthicsDaily board. Each new member brings unique talents and perspectives, as they join a group of intelligent and dynamic people of faith,” said Mitch Randall,’s executive director. “During a time when ethics and social justice matter more than ever before, the EthicsDaily board will continue to promote and advocate for the common good of all people.”