by Ron Rolheiser | Dec 17, 2019 | Opinion
We’re all familiar, I suspect, with the difference between justice and charity. Charity is giving away some of your time, energy, resources and person so as to help others in need. And that’s an admirable virtue, the sign of a good heart. Justice, on the other hand,...
by David Swartz | Dec 17, 2019 | Opinion
“Anointed with Oil: How Christianity and Crude Made Modern America,” Darren Dochuk’s epic history about oil and religion, covers two family dynasties. The Rockefellers, who launched Standard Oil, represented the civil religion of crude and its attempts to rationalize...
by Tony W. Cartledge | Dec 16, 2019 | Opinion
Several news outlets have reported what some see as exciting news with headlines like “Relic believed to be of Jesus’ manger returned to Bethlehem” (UPI) and “After Two Thousand Years, Jesus’ Manger Returns to Bethlehem in Time for...
by John D. Pierce | Dec 16, 2019 | Opinion
By John D. Pierce, Executive Editor Three-time author Jon R. Roebuck’s latest book, Creating Space, marked a milestone for Nurturing Faith. It was the publishing ministry’s 100th title. It all began with a casual conversation — over coffee in a bookstore, no less —...
by James Gordon | Dec 16, 2019 | Opinion
I first came across the name Abraham Joshua Heschel while reading early books by Walter Brueggemann. It was Heschel’s work on the prophets he cited. It’s a remarkable exposition of the Hebrew mind in prophetic mode, when the world is looked at with God on the horizon,...
by Church from Scratch | Dec 16, 2019 | Opinion
Has anyone else noticed that we seem to have a paradox on our hands today when it comes to baptism? On the one hand, we have people being baptized left, right and center because they see it as “just something you do,” perhaps a coming-of-age rite or an anemic...