by Christopher Schilling | Nov 5, 2019 | Opinion
I sorted through the final box of personal belongs of my late mother last month, finding personal letters, mementos and pictures from her years in high school. While my mother has been gone for over 12 years, sorting through her belongings was an emotional process....
by John D. Pierce | Nov 4, 2019 | Opinion
Nurturing Faith Journal is a unique contribution to navigating Christian understanding and faithfulness in a fast-changing and, at times, confusing culture. And I don’t just say that because I’m the executive editor. The journal is chocked full of...
by Colin Harris | Nov 4, 2019 | Opinion
“Exile” is a very negative word, conjuring up images of forced deportation and political banishment. Even in the milder forms of some traditions’ practice of “shunning” those who have misbehaved, a kind of social and psychological exile alienates one from the...
by Jack Moline | Nov 4, 2019 | Opinion
I am a big fan of ritual, especially when it has the capacity to convey meaning that might otherwise have been left unexpressed. Such ritual exists in abundance in my own tradition and in other faith traditions as well. Ritual in social interactions may vary from...
by Tony W. Cartledge | Nov 1, 2019 | Opinion
Doing archaeology is hard work under any circumstances, not just in the physical labor of uncovering ancient layers of civilizations, but also in walking the tightrope of ethical propriety. Such an issue is plaguing a newsworthy excavation in East Jerusalem: an...
by Merianna Harrelson | Nov 1, 2019 | Opinion
Today (Nov. 1) and the Sunday that follows it mark the high, holy day of All Saints’ Day. All Saints’ Day asks us to remember those who have gone before us and those we have lost over the past year in our families, our communities and our communities of faith. It’s a...