Walter Rauschenbusch, the father of the Social Gospel movement, wrote, “Every great movement begins in the hearts of a few.”

At EthicsDaily, we believe God’s spirit is moving in innovative and exciting ways across the world. With a fresh breath from the spirit, the global church is at the cusp of entering into a new era.

This emerging period will be filled with advocacy for social justice, practicing an ever-growing inclusion and advancing creation care that ensures a healthy future for all people.

Granted, these are not new ideas. They have been part of the church’s history for over 2,000 years.

However, the current global situation, which appears to be a rapidly growing crisis, invites the church to rethink and recast our mission.

When Jesus prayed, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” the Lord provided the foundation to pursue societal transformation for the common good (Matthew 6:9-10).

In the parable of the widow and unjust judge, Jesus continued his advocacy for justice in this world.

He concludes the story by asking, “And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:7-8).

EthicsDaily seeks to address the world’s most critical concerns, providing a theological framework to help people of faith reflect and engage issues.

Working alongside outstanding partners and remarkable individuals, we are diligently working for social justice and a better tomorrow.

During the month of May, EthicsDaily launched a fundraising campaign focusing on individual donors interested in developing a social justice movement based in Christian ethics.

As this campaign comes to an end, we want to invite you into this exciting movement that continues to build momentum.

Since the beginning of 2019, EthicsDaily has been engaged in a variety of initiatives that include:

  • Advocating for a Christian response to guns in violence at First Baptist Church, Austin, Texas.
  • Working with the North American Baptist Fellowship – a regional fellowship of the Baptist World Alliance.
  • Producing a short video about the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando, Florida.
  • Promoting the ministry by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas
  • Gathering with global Baptists at the Baptist World Alliance executive committee meeting in Falls Church, Virginia.
  • Cataloguing the 2019 Advocacy in Action event in New York City for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship national network.
  • Working with public school advocates in Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee and Florida.
  • Worshipping and celebrating with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina at their annual meeting.
  • Completing principal filming for the second short documentary in the Baptist Women in Ministry series.
  • Hosting a workshop at the annual Alliance of Baptists meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Dialoguing with the Interfaith Alliance about developing a monthly series at
  • Publishing series focused on social justice, racial justice, International Women’s Day, public education, genocide, creation care and LGBTQ inclusion.

All of this was achieved in the first six months of 2019. We can hardly wait to show you what’s coming in the final six months of 2019, but you’ll have to keep coming back to to find out.

The only way we can continue this high level of content and rigorous pace will be because of the extreme generosity of readers, viewers and partners like you.

We truly believe EthicsDaily has the very best supporters around the world. We marvel each week at the column submissions, phone calls and interactions we have with you.

If Rauschenbusch was correct, this movement we are experiencing is directly associated with the people we encounter through our work.

We may feel like we are few and insignificant by ourselves, but together with the Holy Spirit we are creating a great movement.

Thank you for your continued support! Make sure to make a donation of $20 or more through the end of May, and we will send you a free T-shirt with Rauschenbusch’s quote on it.

Keep fighting the good fight and hoping for a better tomorrow!