is seeking courageous investors who want to combine theoretical and applied ethics into an ecumenical Christian movement for social justice.

Warren Buffett, one of the world’s greatest investors, concluded, “Games are won by players who focus on the playing field – not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.”

At, we have been keeping our eyes focused on the ethical and social justice playing field.

Over the last three months, we have engaged in several critical initiatives seeking to offer a framework to elevate the conversation, create an opportunity to reflect on serious issues and provide inspiration to move forward in action.

1. Illumination Project coverage.

At the beginning of February, we reported on the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Illumination Project Report. Following the report in Atlanta, we ran several columns that demonstrated varied reactions and produced a three-part video series from an interview conducted with members of the committee generating the report.

2. #Baptists4Dreamers initiative.

At the first of March, built a coalition of Baptist organizations, agencies and leaders to produce a statement calling for a “clean DREAM Act” that the U.S Congress could pass.

With the end of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) scheduled for March 5, encouraged Baptists from around the country to call their representatives in the U.S. Congress on March 1 to urge them to pass legislation to protect Dreamers.

During that week, we also ran numerous articles on the topic of immigration and how our faith should guide us when it comes to treating people with dignity and respect.

3. U.S. public education focus.

On April 2, Oklahoma teachers walked out of the classrooms, asking for an increase in pay, adequate funding for public education and raises for support staff. Oklahoma has ranked near the bottom when it comes to teacher pay and funding for public school. was at the Oklahoma State Capitol on the first day of the walkout to interview teachers, legislators and pastors published as a multipart video series. Our coverage also included columns supporting the U.S. public education system with the hashtag #Christians4PublicEd.

4. The E3 Initiative.

During the same period,’s board of directors adopted a new vision for the future. The E3 Initiative will be the guiding framework as we enter into this new generation of ministry by concentrating on educating, engaging and empowering people of faith.


Through a redesigned website, we will educate readers and viewers with columns and videos covering ethics and social justice.

I am currently accepting preaching engagements at churches, schools and other events through which we hope to educate and inspire groups concerning this new vision of combining theoretical and applied ethics within an ecumenical strategy.


Education is not enough though. We must build upon learning through participation. Social justice engagement means inspiring churches, individuals, students and organizations to engage their communities with the gospel by being active participants in social justice.

Individuals and groups often understand their need and desire to make a difference in their world but have a difficult time narrowing down a focus and project. wants to help churches discover their passion for justice and how to engage it for the common good.


Through educational resources and engagement discernment, churches will be empowered to be social justice ministers in their community. In the future, envisions raising a sum of money to provide funding for social justice projects through churches and student groups.

To continue this work and open future possibilities, is seeking social justice investors.

As an independent organization, we value and cherish our contributing denominational partners, congregations and individuals.

Every investment empowers us to make a difference in this world for the sake of the gospel. In addition to our current partners, we are also seeking additional investors as we begin this new era of ministry.

If an individual, church or organization would like to invest in the future, you may do so in several ways.

1. Make a secure, online donation through our website.

2. Mail an investment to P.O. Box 150506, Nashville, TN 37215. Please make checks payable to Baptist Center for Ethics.

3. Initiate a conversation with me about being an ongoing social justice advocate through a formal partnership. As we redesign our future website, we are saving a page to highlight our partners who are making a difference in their communities and around the world.

As we look and analyze the landscape of the world, we are inspired by individuals, churches and organizations advocating for ethics and justice. wants to work alongside you in your effort: educating, engaging and empowering each other every step of the way.

As social justice investors and practitioners, we can change the world for the common good of all people.

Mitch Randall is executive director of You can follow him on Twitter @rmitchrandall.