The Baptist World Alliance (BWA) is appealing to Baptist organizations, churches and individuals to make generous contributions to help displaced Syrians affected by the Middle Eastern country’s civil war.
“As responsible Christians, we need to respond, and we need to do so urgently,” BWA General Secretary Neville Callam said.

The need is urgent as large numbers of Syrians continue to cross the borders into other countries, especially Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. An average of 8,000 refugees cross the Syrian borders daily. In September, the United Nations estimated the number of Syrian refugees to be more than 2 million.

In addition, millions of Syrians are displaced inside of the country as they flee their homes and livelihood due to the ongoing conflict. It is estimated that by the end of this year, half of Syria’s population will need aid.

Some 3.45 million Syrians will be refugees in other countries, and another 6.8 million displaced inside Syria by the end of the year.

In a resolution passed by the BWA’s General Council in July, the BWA recommended Christian ministry to all refugees and encouraged Baptist Christians to pray for those who are displaced and to respond with compassion.

“The need is great. People are suffering. Families are being displaced. Children cannot go to school. Many do not have access to adequate healthcare,” Callam said.

The BWA has already sent aid to assist refugees in Lebanon and people displaced in Syria, notably in Homs, one of the hardest hit cities.

The BWA, along with its partners, act as advocates for displaced persons and develop plans to respond with compassion and hospitality to the needs of those displaced.

This news release first appeared at the Baptist World Alliance website.