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How Mister Rogers Has Helped the Evolution of Ministry
The traditional image of a minister as a ‘preacher’ or ‘church leader’ is engrained in many of us. Mister Rogers, an ordained Presbyterian minister, broadened that definition as he lived out his calling in a non-traditional role.
What Churches’ Silence Says About Our View on Death Penalty
Rodney Reed was scheduled to be executed on Nov. 20, but protests from celebrities, civil rights activists, lawmakers and the public halted his execution. Churches, meanwhile, were mostly silent. What’s wrong with this picture?
Look Back | A Baptist View on the First Thanksgiving
Although Pilgrims and Native Americans shared that first Thanksgiving meal, these Puritans would slaughter many Native Americans years later. Instead, we should be thankful for Baptists, who helped restrain such religious bigotry.
November 22, 2019
Black Georgia Lawmakers Push for State Hate Crimes Law After Church Plot (WSBTV-2) An Advertising Lesson from a Church in North Carolina (Forbes) Women at Connecticut Catholic Parish See Bible Program as Way to Help...
How You Can Embrace Spirit of Generosity on Giving Tuesday
EthicsDaily is embracing the spirit of generosity on Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3). We will forward 20% of every donation received that day to support Fellowship Southwest’s work with churches on the border ministering to refugees.
Cheaters Shouldn’t Prosper in Professional Sports Culture
From the Chicago White Sox throwing the 1919 World Series to today’s Houston Astros allegedly using technology to steal signs, cheating has given baseball a black eye. Have professional sports become a ‘win at all cost’ culture?
Importance of Presidential Morality Depends on Who’s in Charge
Is the moral example or the policy positions of a US president more important? A recent Gallup survey found the answer depends on which party is in power.
November 21, 2019
White Evangelicals Stand Behind Trump Despite Impeachment Inquiry (Huffington Post) Fears Spread in Atlanta-Area Churches After 16-year-old Black Girl Plots Attack on Black Church (CBS42) 7 out of 10 Americans –...
Profiles In Goodwill: Austin ‘Mack’ Dennis
Austin ‘Mack’ Dennis is senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Asheville, North Carolina.
When Math Time Turns into Lesson in Tenderness, Solidarity
Tears streaming down her cheeks, the student said her dad had been arrested. As a teacher, what can you do in that moment when you need to be teaching students what they need to know? Then, something astonishing happened.
Majority of US Adults Want Religion to Stay Out of Politics
More than three-quarters of US adults say houses of faith should not support political candidates and nearly two-thirds agree they ‘should keep out of political matters,’ a new report found.
November 20, 2019
‘Let the Baby Die’ Signs Target Ohio Family with Baby Battling Rare Birth Disorder (WTRF) 5 Things Christians Should Know About the Faith of Elizabeth Warren (Christian Headlines) Trump Shift on Israeli Settlements...
3 Lessons to Heed When Preachers Align with Political Power
When preachers cozy up to politicians, they tend to tell the politician what they want to hear, not what God leads them to say. It was true with King Ahab and his 400 court prophets, and it still rings true today.
Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Madness Stops With You
The statistics on child sexual abuse are overwhelming. What can one person, especially a victim of childhood abuse, do to protect their children? We need to form a human shield around them and save them from abuse.
Anti-Jewish Bias Majority of Religious-Bias Hate Crimes
Anti-Jewish bias continues to account for most religious-bias hate crimes in the US, according to an analysis of FBI data. Of the single-bias incidents involving religious bias, nearly six out of 10 were anti-Jewish.
November 19, 2019
Why Black Protestants and Evangelicals Still Preach Politics (Christianity Today) Dr. Tony Evans Becomes the First Black American to Publish, Not Author, Study Bible (The Grio) Chic-fil-A Will No Longer Donate to...
Israel experience full — Glacier is filling
By John D Pierce The Nurturing Faith Experience: Israel/West Bank, set for May 18-28, has filled to capacity. Thanks to those who so eagerly responded bringing our "small group" to more than 50 persons. Nurturing Faith...
Political Drama Undermines Intriguing Archaeological Find
Archaeology is hard work and a wonderful science but a newsworthy excavation in East Jerusalem, which has seen workers tunneling under private homes, sometimes without permission, has been weaponized for political ends.
More Younger US Adults Have Lived Together Than Have Married
In a reversal from 15 years ago, more US adults from 18 to 44 years old have lived together than have been married, with 59% reporting cohabitation and 50% reporting marriage at some point, a report found.
Young Adults in Faith Groups More Optimistic, Less Lonely
Young adults who are engaged in church are more likely to say they are optimistic about the future, secure in who they are, able to accomplish their goals and have someone who believes in them, a Barna report says.
November 18, 2019
Why Non-Christian ‘Seekers’ are Trying Spiritual Direction (America Magazine) How Pete Buttigieg Found God (CNN) Evangelical Christians on Faith and Politics (National Public Radio) The Flat Earth Conspiracy is...