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Advent, Christmas Will Be Political – And That’s Good News
While the season of Advent and Christmas will be and has been political, it’s not partisan. Scripture unveils the political reality of the season, in which those consigned to the back row of society have been brought to the front.
Politics Sways How You Interpret Severity of Climate Change
Even though nearly two-thirds of US adults affirm that global climate change affects their local communities, their political affiliations influence how severe or mild they consider the threat.
Look Back | This 1 Hymn Encapsulates Heart of Christmas
Imagine if we were suddenly able to eliminate all the artificial distinctions dividing us. Imagine a world where every child born is free from the curse of prejudice, hate and violence. When will the curse be undone?
December 13, 2019
This Indianapolis Church is Also a Clinic for the Poor. Now it Has Even Bigger Plans. (Indianapolis Star) Millennials are Leaving Religion and Not Coming Back (FiveThirtyEight) The Christian Withdrawal Experiment (The...
EthicsDaily 2019: Overflowing with Moments to Cherish
It’s been a busy and productive year at EthicsDaily. When good people engage in good work, we can change the world for the common good. As we review some of the highlights, we ask you to consider an end-of-year contribution.
‘Marriage, Sex and Procreation’
As churches debate same-sex relationships, a conversation on the topic can’t take place without a wider discussion on sex, marriage and family as understood through the lens of the church’s theological tradition.
More Than 8 Million Grads Default on Student Loan Debt
About one out of five student loans, roughly 8.6 million, offered through U.S. government programs are in default, a report said, with students at for-profit schools generally defaulting at higher rates than others.
December 12, 2019
Former Southwestern Baptist Seminary Professor: Antigay and Unemployed (Insider Higher Ed) The Christians I Know (Insider Higher Ed) Homeless Concerns Lead Downtown Columbia Churches to Clash Over Vacant Lot (The...
Profiles In Goodwill: John Daugherty
John Daugherty is retiring as the director of operations with Operation Inasmuch Inc. in Knoxville, Tennessee.
How You Can Create Green Greetings this Holiday Season
As many Christians become increasingly concerned about the environmental damage of consumerism, the season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany provides opportunities to shape new green-friendly traditions as they celebrate.
Cuts Weaken Effectiveness of State Environmental Agencies
Funding and staff cuts at 30 state environmental agencies over a decade have made it more difficult to assess and enforce violations of environmental rules put in place to protect public health, a nonprofit group said.
December 11, 2019
The New Science of Spiritual Fortitude: The Key to Enduring Faith (Religion News Service) Teens in the South More Likely to Encounter Religion in Public Schools, Pew Survey Says ( Baptizing Slaves of Early...
4 Ways Mister Rogers Still Positively Impacts Kids, Adults
With Fred Rogers’ life and work receiving renewed attention with the release of a documentary in 2018 and a major film this year, his understated approach reveals ways his message is still relevant today to both kids and adults.
A Small Gift of Kindness Creates Gracious Bond with Others
Bringing a simple and thoughtful gift when you’re a guest in someone’s home is an expression not only of appreciation but also of connection. You can leave a piece of yourself as a token of your bond of friendship or love.
Faith Leaders to POTUS Hopefuls: Reduce Military Spending
In a Dec. 9 letter, faith leaders urged candidates for US president in 2020 to reduce U.S. military spending, redirecting those funds to alleviate poverty and hunger, improve education and protect the environment.
December 10, 2019
Church Nativity Depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as Family Separated at Border (NBC News) Barr Dives into the Culture Wars, and Social Conservatives Rejoice (New York Times) Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Kentucky...
5 Suggestions to Cope with Grief During Holiday Season
Carrying the burden of grief during the holidays is challenging enough. Those who struggle during this time of year feel they cannot express their grief because of the expectation to be joyful despite their pain.
Don’t Let These ‘What Ifs’ Separate Generations in Church
When we consider intergenerational worship and discipleship, the critics have plenty of ‘what if’ scenarios. But what if they all came true? While it may prove to be somewhat uncomfortable, it’s how we grow and learn.
People of Faith More Likely to Work for Justice, Help People in Need
Surveying young adults from more than two dozen nations, a Barna Group report said people of faith are more likely to be inspired by their beliefs to help those in need and to work for justice in society.
December 9, 2019
That Old Time Religion: Heyday of the Rural Church Slips Away as Country Church Got Swallowed by the Suburbs ( Major Pete Turns to God to Win Over Black Supporters (Daily Beast) Republicans Introduce Bill to...
When We Treat Strangers Kindly, We’re Deemed Ready for Peace
In Jewish tradition, Elijah often appears in the guise of an old beggar. The legend says if we treat beggars kindly, the world is deemed ready for peace. Did Elijah visit us and we didn’t notice him? When will we be ready for peace?