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Love In Action: May It Begin With Me
By: Ginger Hughes Some days I read the top news stories and other days I skim the headlines; however, the outcome is often the same. I see negativity, discord, and division. It seems no matter the topic, from...
Bivocational Ministers Have More Options for Seminary Education
Many bivocational ministers want theological education but can’t see how to pursue it with the time they must also devote to their ministries, careers and families. Today, they have more options to earn a degree on their schedule.
Labor Union Support Remains Above 60% for Third Year
Approval of unions among US adults ticked upward again this year, rising two points to 64%, a Gallup poll found. It’s the highest support level since 2003 (65%) and the third year in a row that approval was above 60%.
Look Back | Labor Day: Rauschenbusch’s Prayers for Workers
Theologian and pastor Walter Rauschenbusch affirmed a deep relationship between his Christian faith and ordinary daily work, writing a book of prayers addressing the struggle of ordinary workers. Those prayers still resonate today.
August 30, 2019
Dinner Church Movement Sets the Table for Food, Faith and Friendships (RNS) Paige Patterson Claims First Amendment Defense in Abuse Lawsuit (BNG) Alabama Governor Kay Ivey Apologies for Role in Racist Baptist Student...
Privatizing Public Schools Opens School Doors to Corruption
Efforts to privatize public schools undermine the nature of a democratic government, replacing the sacred ideals of equality and shared fortunes with economic privilege and greed. The door to education must be open to all equally.
How Seminaries are Addressing Students’ Ballooning Debt
Educational debt among students at theological schools has been rising since the early ’90s, with black and female students incurring a greater portion of debt. Here’s what theological schools are doing to resolve the debt issue.
4 Positive Traits When Seminary Education Occurs Online
Theological education is as much about relationships as it is about imparting knowledge. Online learning would seem counterintuitive. However, the internet offers 4 advantages to the hyperpersonal world of theological education.
August 29, 2019
Black Minister to His Mostly White ECLA Congregation: 'We Need to Rethink Church' (RNS) Jimmy Carter Back to Building Houses After Hip Surgery (CNN) Two-Thirds of Democrats Want ‘In God We Trust’ Removed from U.S....
A bad day frozen in time
Archaeologists from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte recently announced that they and Israeli colleagues in the "Mount Zion Archaeological Project" have uncovered poignant remains from the brutal day...
Profiles in Goodwill: Courtney Pace
Courtney Pace is associate professor of church history and director of admissions at Memphis Theological Seminary in Tennessee.
Breaking Down Racial Roadblocks in Theological Education
How do seminaries help form ministers in both the black and white church traditions in ways that serve the purpose of God and bring healing and community? Here’s how Baptist Seminary of Kentucky is answering that question.
Serving the 90%: The Challenge Facing Theological Education
Most seminary students come from the top 10% of churches in terms of congregation size, but most clergy positions are in the remaining 90% of smaller churches. The challenge for seminaries is how to serve those congregations.
Why We Must Rethink Theological Education in Time of Flux
At a time when most theological schools are experiencing significant challenges in staying afloat and attracting students, it’s imperative for schools to rethink their educational mission to help students face the shifting sands ahead.
6 Ways Seminaries Train Church Leaders on Their Home Turfs
Many seminaries are returning to their roots and serving church leaders wherever the Spirit sends them. Here are 6 ways these seminaries are delivering education directly to church leaders and equipping them to engage churches.
Global Water Quality Deterioration Called ‘Invisible Crisis’
Deterioration of water quality is an ‘invisible crisis’ that must be addressed, a report says. Polluted water negatively impacts both poor and wealthy nations, tending to increase in more prosperous nations.
August 27, 2019
Millennials Care Less About Patriotism, Religion and Family Than Previous Generations, Study Shows (Fox 32 Chicago) Unearthed Tapes, Letters Show Southern Baptist Leaders’ Support for Pastor Who Faced Sex Scandal...
Churches, Pastors Can Access Tailored Theological Education
Even as seminaries have been struggling financially for years, churches and pastors are being given access to theological education that more and more meets their specific needs and wishes. It’s happening four ways.
Paper Mosaic Illuminates Vital Role of Women in Ministry
A paper mosaic created during a Baptist conference on theological education reflected the path forward to stand against the oppression of women in Baptist churches until it is no longer a sticking point.
Policing Reform Essential to Address Mass Incarceration
Reforming policing practices is essential to addressing mass incarceration in the US, a report says. The arrest rate has seen a staggering increase starting in the late ’90s, with one out of three adults arrested by age 23.
August 26, 2019
Church Bells Ring in Fredericksburg to Mark the First Slaves in Virginia (Fredericksburg Today) Baby Food, Bassinets and Talk of Salvation: Inside an Evangelical Pregnancy Center (New York Times) Man Shoots Worshiper...