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Civil War Continues to Wreak Havoc in Ravaged South Sudan
The pastor of a Baptist church in South Sudan hasn’t seen his hometown in nearly 1,000 days. Many members of his church are among the 800,000 refugees living in camps in Uganda, driven out by an ongoing civil war.
When Confronted with Evil, Too Many in Society Look Away
A quiet dinner at a Chinese buffet was shattered by a foul-mouthed woman shouting racial slurs at eight Muslim women. The scary part? A restaurant full of patrons continued to eat their dinners without coming to the women’s defense.
September 9, 2019
‘There is Nothing Here’: The Future is Uncertain for 70,000 in the Bahamas Left Homeless by Dorian (CNN) In Response to Dropping Baptism, Southern Baptists Create ‘Baptism Sunday’ (Word & Way) When Religious...
Together for Hope: Delivering Literacy to Kids in Rural Poverty
Focusing on US counties with persistent rural poverty, Together for Hope’s work includes transformative literacy programs that create opportunities for the children in these counties, helping them break the chains of illiteracy.
US Faith Communities Play Big Role in Public Education
Schools have been and remain at the forefront of mission for all faiths. Faith communities founded the first schools in America. Education is a universal human right accorded every child by virtue of being on God’s planet.
Fun Curriculum Bridges Educational Gap for Refugee Kids in US
In order to help the growing number of refugee children who were entering pre-kindergarten or kindergarten without the necessary skills to succeed, Ready for School, a literary-based curriculum, helps bridge the educational gap.
Look Back | 9 Biblical Themes That Encourage Earth Care
Some Christians suggest that the biblical teaching that humans have dominion over the earth grants them a license to exploit the planet. The biblical themes in the Bible, however, encourage stewardship. Here are 9 of them.
September 6, 2019
Historically Black College Offers Displaced University of Bahamas Students a Free Semester (CNN) In Hawaii, ‘Protectors’ Fight Telescopes with Prayers (RNS) Southern Baptist Convention Claims No Control Over Local...
Helping Students Discover the Worlds Awaiting Them in Books
Most of my fourth-grade students come from economic poverty, and few have had experience with books and reading. One of the best parts of being a teacher is opening up their world to the great stories found in books.
Christian Agency Brings Education to Syrian Refugee Children
Of the 385,000 Syrian refugee school-aged children in Lebanon, more than one-third of them aren’t receiving any education. Here’s how Lebanese Society of Educational and Social Development is making a dent in that overwhelming need.
Baptist Leader in Myanmar Decries Religious Persecution, Sued
A Myanmar military leader sued the head of the Kachin Baptist Convention of Myanmar, accusing him of ‘knowingly giving false information’ after speaking to President Trump for less than a minute about religious persecution.
September 5, 2019
Odessa, Texas Mass Shootings Tie Together Evangelical Christians and Guns (NBC News) Tennessee Church Shooter Sentenced to 291 Years in Prison (Christian Post) Bob Dylan’s Overlooked Christian Music (Sojourners) Benny...
Profiles in Goodwill: Kim Divelbiss
Kim Divelbiss is minister to children and families and day school director at NorthHaven Church in Norman, Oklahoma.
Literacy: Powerful Weapon Against Inequality if We Use It
Fighting illiteracy is an intangible battle for many of us. We take our literacy for granted and can’t comprehend the need for it around the globe. Change, however, comes through education. Literacy can help undo injustices.
After Emmett Till, African American Lynchings Continue Unabated
The murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till shocked our nation. It shouldn’t have happened; it should never happen again. And yet African Americans continue to be lynched, from the Eric Garners to the Trayvon Martins.
September 4, 2019
Founder of Conversion Therapy Program Comes Out as Gay and Apologizes (Washington Examiner) ‘Heavens No, I’m Not Going to Resign’: Alabama Governor Reiterates After Apology for Baptist Student Union Blackface Skit...
From the Pews | Making Our Unjust Economic System Work for All
Does the US economy work for everyone or just for some? Instead of fighting against an unjust system, we pursue nicer houses, better cars and exotic vacations. Instead of working for more, perhaps we should work for better.
U21 | Beware Judgment Trap When Decrying Injustice
God calls us to speak out against injustice. When we do, we need to do so with humility and a heartfelt longing for people to change for the better. Otherwise, we become judgmental, ignoring the love and kindness that Jesus preaches.
Comic and Preacher Pens How-To Book on Sermon Prep
Preachers should use every technique possible, including humor, to develop their sermons, says pastor and comedian Susan Sparks. Her how-to book on sermon preparation is pure gold for those who wish to improve their sermons.
September 3, 2019
Volunteers, Christian Groups Prepare Thousands of Volunteers to Send Aid After Dorian (CBS 46) Faith Based Statements on Climate Change (A News Cafe) Mississippi Wedding Venue Refuses Mixed Race Couple Citing 'Our...
Ninety years a servant
Sara Ann Hobbs was a force of nature with a heart for others. When she died August 28 in Silver City, New Mexico, in the home she shared with long-time friend Nancy Curtis, Hobbs reached the end of a long and...