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2019 Year in Review: Sowing Seeds Now and for the Future
Over the past 12 months, has been sowing seeds, resulting in immediate fruit via publishing daily articles, video interviews and short documentaries and planting seeds whose ‘fruit’ we might not see for some time.
Will We Treat Our Detained Neighbors as We Treat Ourselves?
Instead of sending thousands of asylum-seekers ‘back to Mexico’ into dangerous territories foreign to most of those fleeing, we should consider our ability to accommodate those yearning for refuge and asylum.
Pope Urges Christians to Continue Journey to Seek Peace
Calling peace ‘a great and precious value,’ Pope Francis, in his message for World Day of Peace, urged Christians to engage in peacemaking by taking a journey of hope, listening, reconciliation and ecological conversion.
December 31, 2019
They Made a Mark on the Religious Scene This Decade; Some Rose, Others Fell (RNS) US Religion Census Maps Changing Churches, Declining Denominations (Christianity Today) 50 Years After ‘Black Manifesto,’ Religious...
December 30, 2019
ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT! Click here to Make a Year End Gift to Nurturing Faith and Support the Faith of Thousands all Year Long in 2020! At Christmas in Dallas, Christians and Muslims Take Time to Talk About Loving Jesus, and...
Baptists of the Year 2019: Amanda Tyler and Jorge Zapata’s board of directors announced the Baptist of the Year 2019 will be awarded to two amazing people. One for her work to combat Christian nationalism; the other for his ministry to immigrants at our southern border.
December 27, 2019
‘Just Mercy’ Author Bryan Stephenson on Faith, Death Row Advocacy: ‘No One is Beyond Redemption’ (Christian Post) Behind Christianity Today’s Editorial is a Deeper Crisis of America’s Religion of Whiteness (RNS) The...
4 Criteria to Meet Before Your Church Calls a Vitalized Pastor
Your church had a major fallout with your last pastor. You’re ready to bring on a new pastor whom you’re sure will solve all of your problems. Before you call that vitalized pastor, here’s one word of advice: DON’T. Here’s why.
Addressing Inequalities Requires Focus on More Than Income, Wealth
While inequalities trigger protests and unrest around the world, the disparities driving such discontent aren’t wholly financial in nature, a report says. They include areas such as education, health and climate change.
Look Back | New Year’s Symbols Have Ancient Roots
One year is dying, and another is about to be born. A variety of symbols surround this transition. Father Time. The Grim Reaper. Baby New Year. And most of them are more connected than people suppose.
December 24, 2019
Living in Her Car, She Was Afraid and Harassed. Then She Found an Unexpected Refuge (CNN) Five Scientific Findings About Christmas (Psychology Today) The 75 Best Christmas Movies of All Time (Today) Using Merry...
If Incarnation Changes Everything, Will It Change Us?
At Christmas, we sing the message of incarnation in ancient words and imagery. But do we allow it to change us? Will we see the face of Christ in the faces of children traversing borders in our own land today?
Advent Suggestions to Help Your Soul Feel Its Worth
Advent and Christmastide can help persons rekindle a sense of worth, but consumerism distracts us from deeper contemplation of God’s great love for humanity. These suggestions can rekindle that sense of worth in you and others.
Secular, Religious Christmas Music Connects Us to Home
Secular Christmas songs are about the nostalgia for a simpler time. Religious carols tell us God was manifest in a humble home. Christmas music of all kinds connects us to the places that were ‘home’ no matter where we are now.
What Christmas Means to 9-Year-Old from Guatemala
For Mauro, a 9-year-old boy from Guatemala, Christmas has a special meaning for him and his family, as they celebrate the day someone gave them a place to stay, like Mary and Joseph and their infant child.
December 23, 2019
Why the Editor of Christianity Today Decided to Rebuke Trump (New Yorker) Evangelical Tussling Over Anti-Trump Editorial Escalates (Associated Press) Christianity Today Editorial Has Sparked a Family Fight About Billy...
Immanuel — and the “follow” part that follows
By John D. Pierce God came to live among us. Jesus is God’s fullest self-revelation. His life — filled with words, deeds, lessons and sacrifice — was far more than filler or a mere segue from birth to death. It’s...
How Will You React to Christmas’ Special Delivery?
’Tis the season when special deliveries are arriving on front porches all across the US, more than 2.5 billion last year. As Christmas quickly approaches, let us remember the special delivery of that day long ago.
Honesty is Always the Best Policy – Unless You’re Preaching
Does honesty have a place in the pulpit? Preachers shouldn’t be the center of the story. Personal anecdotes can illustrate a point, but they’re not the destination of the sermon. No one comes to church to hear about the preacher.
Confidence Dips in US Economy’s Positive Impact on Churches
Fewer U.S. Protestant pastors affirm that the U.S. economy is having a positive impact on their congregations in 2019, a LifeWay report said. Positive responses dropped from 45% in 2018 to 30% this year.
Look Back | Waiting for the Wrong Things at Christmas
Advent is about waiting for the world to change. Many of us, however, wait for the wrong things. We should be waiting – and working – for an end to poverty, for the oppressed to be set free, for an end to isolation and loneliness.